DynAMIC: Dynamic Analysis of the Metabolism of Immune Cells

DynAMIC (Dynamic Analysis of the Metabolism of Immune Cells) is an interactive tool allowing users to freely explore the dynamic gene expression data in Fernández-García et al. (2022) CD8+ T Cell Metabolic Rewiring Defined by scRNA-seq Identifies a Critical Role of ASNS Expression Dynamics in T Cell Differentiation. Cell Reports 41, 111639.

DynAMIC is built as an RStudio shiny app, where users can select a gene of interest (14452 available genes) and display its associated dynamic expression profile during in vitro CD8+ T-cell activation and differentiation in physiological media. Expression profiles are presented as cell state-averaged gene expression levels (counts per 100k reads, CP100k ± SEM) over a total of 5 activation and 6 differentiation states, the latter split into central-memory (Tcm)-generating and effector-memory (Tem)-generating branches. The percentage of cells expressing each gene among all cells in each state can be visualized via the dot areas. In addition, state/branch-based gene ranking information (as defined in our manuscript) is provided for genes with average expression values (in CP100k) greater than 1 in at least one cell state (7940 genes). Rankings are determined considering all genes dominating in each specific state/branch and, in the particular case of metabolic genes (750 genes), also considering metabolic genes exclusively. The entire cell state-averaged data can be downloaded as a tab-separated text file by clicking the “Download Data” button.

This work was funded by Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO). For further information, please refer to our manuscript, and please cite our work when using these data in your publication. For other questions and/or comments, please feel free to contact us. Happy data exploration!